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I help women with bikini bodies of all weights, shapes and sizes, achieve health, happiness & body confidence.

I'm a health & fitness expert, wife, and home-birth mama of six who loves Mexican food, Diet Coke, and all things potato.

I am also a woman who intimately knows what it is like to struggle with her weight, confidence, and body-image.

If you like stories, keep reading! I have a good one...

Helping women transform their health is my calling!

I first became nationally certified as a personal trainer (NASM-CPT) in 2007.

With almost two decades of experience, I have since become globally recognized as a women's health and fitness expert and pioneer in the body-positivity space, as the founder of Bikini Body Mommy.

Professional credentials aside... 

I am a woman who deeply understands the struggles and frustrations of having a body that gains a tremendous amount of weight!

No matter how well I eat or how much I exercise, I personally gain 60-80 pounds in pregnancy, and even more while breastfeeding - every gosh darn time!

My own weight fluctuations over the years have given me an intimate awareness of the challenges and struggles surrounding weight gain and body-image!

Because I have been where you are, I have a solution!

Embracing my body and health at every size, I have created hundreds of relatable health & fitness programs, recipes & meal plans, workbooks, and coaching resources over the years.

Along the way, I have publicly documented my success creating these programs by transforming my body in numerous postpartum seasons of my life - losing as much as 100-pounds, as well as documented the success of thousands of other women in my community who have joined along the way.

This is how I know health, happiness, and body confidence don’t have anything to do with the numbers on the scale.

Get the support you need to achieve your goals!

I know first hand what it feels like to struggle with your body, and I'm here to tell you... you don't have to do it alone.

If you landed here exhausted by all your failed attempts in the past to transform your health and you want feel better about your body... I ASSURE YOU THAT I CAN HELP! 

Lose weight, get fit, end your war with dieting, and finally feel good regardless of your current weight, shape or size!


Discover what makes me and my Health & Fitness membership, different from other things you might have tried in the past!

You need the right tools, constant support, positive encouragement, and accountability to keep you going!

Join the BIKINI BODY MOMMY community.

You belong here! ♡  

Become A Member

I help women with bikini bodies of all weights, shapes and sizes, achieve health, happiness & body confidence.

I'm a health & fitness expert, wife, and home-birth mama of six who loves Mexican food, Diet Coke, and all things potato.

I am also a woman who intimately knows what it is like to struggle with her weight, confidence, and body-image.

If you like stories, keep reading! I have a good one...

Helping women transform their health is my calling!

I first became nationally certified as a personal trainer (NASM-CPT) in 2007.

With almost two decades of experience, I have since become globally recognized as a women's health and fitness expert and pioneer in the body-positivity spaceas the founder of Bikini Body Mommy.

Professional credentials aside... 

I am a woman who deeply understands the struggles and frustrations of having a body that gains a tremendous amount of weight!

No matter how well I eat or how much I exercise, I personally gain 60-80 pounds in pregnancy, and even more while breastfeeding - every gosh darn time!

My own weight fluctuations over the years have given me an intimate awareness of the challenges and struggles surrounding weight gain and body-image!

Because I have been where you are, I know how to help you!

Embracing my body and health at every size, I have created hundreds of relatable health & fitness programs, recipes & meal plans, workbooks, and coaching resources over the years.

Along the way, I have publicly documented my success creating these programs by transforming my body in numerous postpartum seasons of my life - losing as much as 100-pounds, as well as documented the success of thousands of other women in my community who have joined along the way.

This is how I know health, happiness, and body confidence don’t have anything to do with the numbers on the scale.

Get the support you need to achieve your goals!

I know first hand what it feels like to struggle with your body, and I'm here to tell you... you don't have to do it alone.

If you landed here exhausted by all your failed attempts in the past to transform your health and you want feel better about your body...


Lose weight, get fit, end your war with dieting, and finally feel good regardless of your current weight, shape or size!


Discover what makes me and my Health & Fitness membership, different from other things you might have tried in the past!


You need the right tools, constant support, positive encouragement, and accountability to keep you going!

What's the solution? Join the BIKINI BODY MOMMY community. 

You belong here! ♡  

Become A Member

© 2024 Bikini Body Mommy LLC